The tale behind Ruslan Kogan’s beginnings is an astounding eCommerce Success Story. Kogan is the son of Belorussian immigrants who arrived in Australia with just $90 in their pockets in 1989. Yet this 35 year old has managed to build up his net worth to an...
Would you like to know the best WooCommerce Plugins that increase your sales for you? On auto-pilot… while you sleep? That’s exactly what these plugins do. Imagine these WooCommerce Plugins as “employees” of your eCommerce store. Some use intelligent AI to offer...
Has your WordPress website been hacked? In most cases, website hacks are not done directly by hackers, but through automated scripts – robots programmed to crawl the web, looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. But don’t panic, this article will show you how to...
There has been an update to the security protocols (TLS 1.2), underlying the Payment Express gateway. Merchants using OPMC plugins (like PxFusion, PxPay etc.) will need to ensure your web hosting server supports TLS 1.2. This is a requirement to use the Payment...
How important is customer retention? Is it worth investing resources to improve customer retention? Many businesses make the unfortunate mistake of placing all their focus on gaining new customers. However, research and experience has shown time and time again,...
How important is customer service to your eCommerce business? The answer: a lot more than you’d believe. Traditional brick and mortar stores often emphasise the importance of customer service – and it should be no different online. In fact, we would argue...
“Our partnership with OPMC stands out for the responsiveness, ease of collaboration, and shared commitment to our joint customers. Their team is quick to address challenges and always prioritizes our joint customers’ needs, leading to innovative solutions. Working with them is seamless, thanks to their understanding and proactive approach. We’re grateful for this partnership and the positive impact it’s had on our business.”