Building and hosting a website is a long-term commitment, so it is critical that you choose the right hosting provider that will give you the service and support you need to keep your site running smoothly. In light of this, one of the most important factors you...
With the vast amount of local and international web hosts out there, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your needs. Each web host will offer many extra bells and whistles in order to get your attention, but there are really just a few handful of key...
To continue our series on choosing the right web hosting provider, the easiest and least technical way to decide on a web host is to look to their level experience in the industry. Look to how long they have been in business, the feedback/reviews (this can be found...
You may believe that your website is not likely to get hacked – after all, what would they have to gain from it? Contrary to common belief, smaller websites are much easier to hack than high-budget, corporate websites as they have less “defenses,” which makes it...
Does your website load quick enough to avoid losing online customers? And exactly how quick, is quick enough? With the amount of information on online marketing and website optimisation, it can be difficult to decide where to prioritise your time. In light of this, we...
SmartCompany recently released an in-depth view of the top four ecommerce platforms on the market: Magento, Shopify, Bigcommerce, and Volusion. While it stopped short of making a recommendation, it did point out the most prominent aspects of each one. However, the...
“Our partnership with OPMC stands out for the responsiveness, ease of collaboration, and shared commitment to our joint customers. Their team is quick to address challenges and always prioritizes our joint customers’ needs, leading to innovative solutions. Working with them is seamless, thanks to their understanding and proactive approach. We’re grateful for this partnership and the positive impact it’s had on our business.”