Top 9 tips to secure your website from hackers

Top 9 tips to secure your website from hackers

Your website is your first point of contact with your audience and if your platform shows any security anomaly, they won’t think twice to shift to the rival sites.  Website safety issue is one of the major security risks reported by small businesses in the modern...

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Read that email bill again – it may just not be real

Read that email bill again – it may just not be real

Yesterday I received an email from Origin Energy about my bill. It was a particularly boring email, nothing unusual and had the typical click here to pay button which I find is really handy when there is so much else that needs doing in the day. Although the only real...

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Top tips for hosting your ecommerce website in Australia

Top tips for hosting your ecommerce website in Australia

Hosting of an ecommerce website and the speed of that hosting is a critical component in the success of your ecommerce store. If your website loads too slowly or unreliably, or it’s down regularly, or overloaded, this will interfere with the flow of your sales and...

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Happy Birthday to us – 14 Years

Happy Birthday to us – 14 Years

If you'd like to know a little bit more about what makes us tick, check out the first of several blog posts from our Founder Chris Bryant about lessons learned from 14 years in business:...

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Fake SEO Plugin Used In WordPress Malware Attacks

Malware masquerading itself as an SEO plugin called WP-Base-SEO has infected close to 4,000 WordPress sites in the past three weeks.  Studies show that a disproportionate number of infections are on WordPress installations running an outdated version of the WordPress...

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“Our partnership with OPMC stands out for the responsiveness, ease of collaboration, and shared commitment to our joint customers. Their team is quick to address challenges and always prioritizes our joint customers’ needs, leading to innovative solutions. Working with them is seamless, thanks to their understanding and proactive approach. We’re grateful for this partnership and the positive impact it’s had on our business.”


Director of Product | MaxMind, Inc.