What is a call to action and why is it important for my online store?
Call to action - definitely one of the most underutilised yet incredibly powerful tools for an ecommerce website or any website of any kind for that matter. I recently had a discussion with a business owner who sold exclusively online via Facebook. She was putting in...
Like time through the hourglass, your time is instrumental to your ecommerce success
I built a successful ecommerce business because of the time I invested into making it happen and getting it right. While I delegate most tasks to my dedicated team these days, there are times when I need to step in myself on a weekly basis and ensure certain things...
The benefits of e-commerce for small business
Having a website is no longer a luxury for small businesses but is now a necessity. According to various sources, ecommerce sales are growing year on year and mobile retail is is also growing by leaps and bounds. Outlined in this article are the benefits of creating...
Negotiating credit terms with suppliers for your online store
An important and often overlooked area you must research and establish early on is any credit terms with partner businesses/suppliers who supply you with the products you sell on your ecommerce website. Many arrangements simply consist of payment in advance. This...
Using drop shipping for your ecommerce store in Australia
One of the options we used from the very beginning, that you can make good use of that many product suppliers up the chain provide, is drop shipping. What is drop shipping? This is where you order the product from your supplier, that your customer has ordered, and the...
The ‘WannaCry’ ransomware attack could have been prevented.
May 12th 2017 saw the biggest ever cyber attack in Internet history (yes, bigger than the Dyn DDoS). A ransomware named WannaCry stormed through the web, with the damage epicenter being in Europe. The WannaCry ransomware spread rapidly last week, infecting more than...
Hybrid Cloud = The Future of Web Hosting?
Cloud technologies have advanced immensely over the years, but the hybrid cloud is making a lot of waves. According to a survey conducted by Hybrid Hive, a news and views platform that digs the latest developments from the world of Hybrid cloud to assist IT decision...
The Keys to Success for Startups: Web Security + Viable Web Marketing
As many successful business people can attest, profitable companies often emerge from small startup efforts. Some launch from garages, others grow online before they ever have any sort of office setup. Businesses gain credibility with a professional website. Without...