“After a few years, we were having issues with our online store.
It was difficult to run marketing promotions, the site was regularly breaking down and even our web developer had trouble with it.
We simply weren’t getting the progress and results we wanted with our ecommerce site.
We engaged OPMC to review the situation. They listened to our issues and requirements and put together a solution that solved our problems.
OPMC now advises us ongoing on the success of our online store.
As our business has grown, we’ve also had OPMC revitalise a second online store we acquired.
We’d recommend OPMC for any business that is unhappy with their ecommerce website.”
Debbie Hopper is passionate about empowering parents and teachers to help children with concentration difficulties. She is the Clinical Director of Life Skills 4 Kids and Abilitations Australia. www.lifeskills4kids.com.au and www.abilitations.com.au