Payment Express ( is a great, flexible 3rd party payment gateway, born in New Zealand. We’ve been using it since 2003, and we highly recommend it.
Technically it’s easy to work with and reliable, and integrated into your online service, it’s very easy for you and your customers to use. If you’re looking for someone to help you integrate with Payment Express, you’ve come to the right place. We have over 15 years’ experience with Payment Express and if it’s possible to create what you want, we can do it.

Technical integration – customised solutions

You’d like to integrate something with Windcave, but you don’t know how and there’s nothing on the marketplace that suits?
Click here to tell us the details and we can advise you further.

WordPress & WooCommerce plugins

We develop customised plugins for WordPress/WooCommerce & Windcave (formerly Payment Express) and are expert integrators.. Contact us with your requirements here.
We have also developed our own plugins, a selection of which are below.


PxPay WooCommerce official Windcave plugin – $79 USD

We developed the official WooCommerce plugin for Windcave (formerly Payment Express). To find out more, or to purchase it, please click here to visit the WooThemes website. This plugin supports both the PX Pay 1.0 & PX Pay 2.0 protocol.
If you don’t know what that means, and you’re not entirely sure what you need or what to do, that’s ok!
We have you covered with our range of Windcave (formerly Payment Express) solutions for WooCommerce and we strongly encourage you to contact us if you are unsure about anything at all – it’s our pleasure to help you get the most out of Windcave on your website without having to waste any time.

Suitability for your business

This plugin is most suitable for your business if:

-You want a quick “plug and play” solution to accepting credit cards via Windcave (formerly Payment Express).

-You don’t have SSL installed on your website

-You want to accept payments off-site securely

This isn’t suitable for you if:

-You need to accept recurring payments. This plugin does not work with WooCommerce Subscriptions (if you need to accept recurring payments, see the plugin below).


Windcave (DPS) PxPay & PxPost Payment Gateway for WooCommerce Supports WooCommerce Subscriptions – $499 AUD

Our new Windcave (formerly Payment Express) payment gateway plugin provides support for the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. This plugin uses PxPay for off site transactions and PxPost for recurring billing.

Suitability for your business

This plugin is most suitable for your business if:

-You want to accept recurring payments via Windcaves on your WooCommerce website.

-You’ll have to purchase the official WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin* to support recurring payments.

-You have or plan to use Windcave (formerly Payment Express) services to accept payment on your website.

This isn’t suitable for you if:

-You don’t need to accept recurring payments. In which case this plugin is not needed and you’re looking for another option.

*This plugin attracts additional fees.


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“Our partnership with OPMC stands out for the responsiveness, ease of collaboration, and shared commitment to our joint customers. Their team is quick to address challenges and always prioritizes our joint customers’ needs, leading to innovative solutions. Working with them is seamless, thanks to their understanding and proactive approach. We’re grateful for this partnership and the positive impact it’s had on our business.”


Director of Product | MaxMind, Inc.

Windcave (DPS) Account2Account Payment Gateway for WooCommerce – $124.95 AUD

Allows your customers to enter their credit card details directly without having to leave your website via the Windcave PX Post method. To find out more, or to purchase it directly via our website, please click here.

Suitability for your business

This plugin is most suitable for your business if:

– You want to accept payments directly into your bank account via a one-off online payment using the Windcave Account 2 Account portal.

– Your customers don’t have or use a credit card and want to pay via direct bank deposit

This isn’t suitable for you if:

– You or your customers don’t use a bank provider that is supported by Windcave. A list of all supported banks in Australia and New Zealand can be found here.

This plugin can be used in conjunction with the other plugins on this page to accept credit card payments.


Windcave (DPS) PXFusion Payment Gateway for WooCommerce – $299 AUD

Allows your customers to enter their credit card details directly without having to leave your website via the Windcave PX Post method. To find out more, or to purchase it directly via our website, please click here.

Suitability for your business

This plugin is most suitable for your business if:

– You want to accept payments directly from your WooCommerce store and keep customers on-site for longer

– You want to accept credit card payments

This isn’t suitable for you if:

– Prefer to direct customers off-site to the DPS payment gateway

– Prefer to accept direct bank deposits



Windcave (DPS) PX-Post Payment Gateway for WooCommerce – $49 – $149 AUD

(This plugin is becoming outdated by most banks in Australia. We recommend using PxFusion above to avoid issues)
Allows your customers to enter their credit card details directly without having to leave your website via the Windcave (formerly Payment Express) PX Post method. To find out more, or to purchase it directly via our website, please click here.

Suitability for your business

This plugin is most suitable for your business if:

– You want customers to pay on-site, rather than being taken to an external page for payment

– You want to accept payments Visa / Mastercard via Windcave (formerly Payment Express)

This isn’t suitable for you if:

– You don’t have an SSL certificate

– You want to direct customers to an off-site payment gateway