Odoo Version 1.7 now released

We are pleased to share that OPMC’s WooCommerce plugin integration with Odoo has been updated and released. Version 1.7 has new order features and functionality. 

Here’s a summary of what’s new:

  • Include order notes for ordered products.
  • Add order status mapping functionality.
  • Deactivation and uninstall functionality.


Include Order Notes for Ordered Products

Order notes can be made as special instructions for delivering products to customers.

If a customer has any special delivery instructions that should be part of the invoice or labelling, they can now add delivery instructions to an invoice, so delivery is made as instructed. This feature is commonly used at the time of checkout.

Order notes can be accessed in two positions:

  • Next to a WooCommerce Order Id. Normally, this space is meant for terms and conditions in Odoo, but it is deemed more useful and accessible for future notes. 


  • Marked in red, Odoo has defined this place for you. When developer mode is active, we can see information that may help in development for adding order notes.


Order Status Functionality

You can now update the order status of an order- refunded, cancelled, or failed, either in WooCommerce or Odoo, and that update will automatically synchronise to the other respective system.

For example, if the order is refunded from Odoo, WooCommerce refunds would be updated automatically and vice versa. 

Order sync feature would be a separate feature apart from the Import & Export feature.


Deactivation and Uninstall Functionality

Deactivation and uninstall hooks provide ways to perform actions when plugins are deleted or deactivated.

On deactivation, plugins can run a routine to remove temporary data such as cache, temporary files, and directories.

Uninstalling the plugin will perform delete any plugin options, settings specific to the plugin, and other database entities, such as tables, metadata, and cache.