Social Commerce Infographic: Which Social Media Platforms Drive the Highest Sales?


“Is my Facebook page actually driving sales?”

“Will all my tweeting pay off?”

“Should my business be on Pinterest?”

These are all valid questions of e-commerce business owners. And the general answer to those is this: being on social media makes a difference. To illustrate that, Shopify created an infographic based on analysed data gathered from its 37 million social media engagements that led to 529,000 orders.

Here are the points that stood out from the study:

  • As expected, Facebook remains king in terms of social traffic and sales. Approximately 60% of all social media sources that led to Shopify store visits originated from Facebook. But here’s the more telling piece of data it found: an average of 85% of all orders from social media sources come from Facebook. Additionally, the study found that Facebook had the highest conversion rate (1.85%) for all social media e-commerce traffic.
  • There’s no best social media platform for everyone—not everything is dominated by Facebook (although its recommended to always have a Facebook page since it has a humongous user base). It all depends on the industry. For instance, Pinterest is the most popular when it comes to collectibles/antiques, books, and magazines. Youtube is tops when it comes to automotive  and digital products.
  • A surprise: Polyvore, a community style site, was revealed to have the highest average order value. It beat Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. What’s also interesting is the fact that Instagram ranked second, which is remarkable considering its only clickable links are in the profile bios.


To check out the complete infographic, click here.