Powerful Monitoring Tools for your Website.

Our powerful tools help you keep track of uptime and quickly detect security threats on your website.

Premium Monitoring Features

When you choose us as your web host, your website will be protected and monitored by our suite of monitoring and security software.

Whether you run a blog, e-commerce store or web application, our monitoring software will integrate seamlessly with your website.

Uptime Monitoring

Get notified when your website has gone so that you can take immediate action.

Security Scanning

Our powerful security scanner quickly identifies malware, backdoors,  malicious scripts and more.

DNS Monitoring

Receive notifications whenever any changes occur in your website’s DNS settings

Powerful Firewall

Maximise website performance by instantly blocking hackers, DDoS attacks and more.

Website Backups

Our software create regular backups of your website. This allows you to quickly restore it to a previous point.

Great Support

If a problem occurs, our amazing support team are available to help right away.


Even the best websites can go down sometimes. This can be due to problems with your code, back-end issues or security compromises.

Our powerful uptime monitoring tool will notify you if anything goes wrong with your website. Our support team can then work with you to get your website up and running again. 

Powerful Web Firewall

Our cloud-based firewall detects and blocks website attacks before they can do any damage to your website. This protects you against DDoS attacks, hackers and brute force attacks.

Reduce management times and costs by using our firewall to automatically stop threats.


Our scanner constantly checks your website for signs of malicious code and malware. If any problems are found, our support team can work with you to fix them immediately. 


No matter how well your website is secured, accidents can happen. For this reason, it is important to regularly back up your content.

When you host your website through us, we can create regular backups of your website, which are easily recoverable in the event of a disaster. Our software backs up:


  • Your website’s entire directory and all associated files
  • Your MySQL database
  • All pages, posts and images.
  • All of your themes, plugins and other customisations on your website.

DNS Monitoring

Your website’s DNS records control what IP address traffic, emails and other information is sent to. These records rarely be changed unless you are migrated your website to a new host.

Our DNS monitoring tool will alert you if an unexpected change occurs in your DNS records. This will allow you to quickly fix the issue.

Help is just a message away!

Our amazing support team are experts in web security and troubleshooting. ready to help you with any issues relating to the hosting, operation or performance of your website.

When you choose to host your website through OPMC, you can contact our support team at any time.

Sign up for website monitoring today!

Get in touch with us today by calling (02) 9955 2237 or clicking the button below to send us a message. From there, we can set up hosting for your website and allow you to access our website monitoring tools.