MYOB and WooCommerce latest Plugin updates will help with any sync, pagination or error 400 turmoil you may experience competent in the recent plugin versions – 3.1 and 3.2
Please update your plugin to access these new features.
Version 3.2:
Pagination limit extended
When trying to update stock levels, pagination would only allow up to 400-1000 products to sync from Woocommerce to MYOB due to the pagination capacity.
We have fixed this so MYOB handles pagination for more than 1000 products.
Feature for inactive items to not sync
Merchants with inactive items listed in MYOB AccountRight, could not be deleted due to accounting requirements from MYOB.
We have added a new feature for users to prevent these inactive items from being synced via the plugin’s automatic sync feature across WooCommerce.
Version 3.1:
Error 400 – New error message for the cause
There are many reasons for a 400 error to occur so we have added an Invoice creation error message for merchants to report their error 400 issue located on the Orders page in the right hand comments area.
This makes it easier for both parties to identify where the error is coming from in order to act accordingly.
Woocommerce stock management intervenes auto sync – Fix
Can’t stop plugin syncing stock automatically without having to disable Woocommerce stock management?
Including a new feature under Settings> Stock management for you to avoid this matter.