We are happy and excited to announce the latest release of our CBE extension and the solutions + additions with it. This new version 1.4 consists of the following:
- Auto import of customer details – Fixed
- Currency conflicts with auto jobs – Fixed
- Improper category display in nested items – Fixed
- New pop up style standard
Auto import of customer details
AliExpress “Place Order Automatically” action not loading the purchasers address via Aliexpress. This has been fixed so customers details load properly on both ends.
Currency conflicts with auto jobs
Currency conflicts between WooCommere and AliExpress not allowing orders to be placed and causing customers to manually enter customer details. This has been fixed so that no matter which currency you are importing products with or placing orders, does not affect placing the order itself.
Improper category display in nested items
Users with 3 or more nested items in their product category, won’t display properly. This has been fixed so categories dropdown is displayed chronologically.
New pop up style standard
A small addition regarding a new look with our pop-up notifications. Install our plugin to see yourself ?