Role of Mentorship In dropshipping Business – Learn and Master Dropshipping in Times of COVID-19

Dropshipping mentorship

Since COVID-19 has had a substantial impact across the globe, dropshipping sales volumes may also be declining in many categories. So today I want to delve into the world of mentors from dropshipping and eCommerce businesses. Whether you are already running a business, or you are planning to start a dropshipping business, I hope this list will be of some value.

This really is the best time to start learning from ground-zero and scale your dropshipping business. For this, you need to find the right mentor to master dropshipping using online platforms.

Dropshipping Business is not Easy.

Dropshipping business is not as simple as it seems to be. If you’ve ever tried starting a business, you know the drill. There are many questions to consider. What are you going to sell? Who’s going to supply you? And how are you going to build a solid marketing plan?

Success does not come overnight. There can be years of struggle, experiments, trials and errors to achieve it.

What is the Solution?

For this, you do not need to go through it all by yourself. Luckily, there are other successful dropshippers, who have already experienced the highs and lows, walked out the other side with success, albeit perhaps with some battle scars. They’ve gone through the same struggles previously, which means you can learn from their errors and streamline your progress. These experts know what works and what doesn’t. They’ve put in the hours. And these leading entrepreneurs could be your mentor.

What can Mentors do for your Dropshipping Business?

These expert mentors and entrepreneurs will make you aware of typical mistakes early on. They will resolve your troublesome problems and help shape your business. Meanwhile, you’ll discover your full potential in the dropshipping market. That’s the smartest way to accelerate your progress, much more than with rigid methods of self-learning alone.

You’ll find mentors in every dropshipping field. Good mentors improve the performance of their mentees. You’ll hardly find a true success story without the backing of a mentor. According to research by Endeavor, entrepreneurs with mentors are three times more likely to succeed, compared to entrepreneurs without mentors.

How to Reach Dropshipping Mentors in this Pandemic?

In the business of dropshipping, and with the world the way it currently is, we suggest that you try to find mentors using the web. From previous successful mentor relationships, we know that mentorship doesn’t have to mean a physical meeting, nor does it mean you may ever speak to them – although that would be really nice to see the person who actually made a difference to your professional success!

Warren Buffett, for example, got inspiration from the book of his mentor. Likewise, you can consult the content in whatever way your mentor has chosen. You can find them on YouTube, Instagram, Blogs, Facebook, other social media platforms, Online academies, forums, online communities, dedicated websites for dropshipping business, etc. The list is somewhat exhausting! Search engines are the ultimate first step solution to your questions, spending some time researching will help you find what you’re looking for.

But, we know you might be short on time, to give you a head start, we’ve researched some of the best influencers in the dropshipping business world and also checked other methods that can help you find an authentic mentor and establish a successful dropshipping business. To confirm the credibility of your chosen mentor, you should check out their performance history, credentials, and the way they transfer skills to their mentees and audience.

It is worth noting that different mentors can add different types of value. For example, a mentor may be for you a highly successful, 9 figure revenue dropshipping business owner. But just as importantly, someone who is a commentator or supplier to the industry (such as dropshipping software developers) may also provide useful insight that gives you the tools and perspective you need.

Top 5 Mentors in Dropshipping e-Commerce Business

There are many leading entrepreneurs online that are influencing and mentoring the eCommerce space from years of achieving the success they earned, they’re now pursuing further their e-commerce businesses. However, every mentor has a unique method and approach, so pick those you can identify with, and if you’re not on them and what they say, keep looking.

Wholesale Ted

A good place for me to start is with a fellow Kiwi from down the bottom of the world in New Zealand.

Sarah Chrisp (Wholesale Ted) is one of the best dropshipping mentors and influencers available online that I’ve seen. Wholesale Ted is primarily a Youtube channel that has the most impressive and simplified tutorials for building a dropshipping business. There are 140 plus videos and a free e-book that covers relevant issues you need to know about dropshipping.

According to her interview with, she said that when she was 9, her father gave her the book “Rich Kid, Smart Kid” and she told him she wanted to be a millionaire. Her father thought it to be the kid’s version of “Rich Dad-Poor Dad” but, it was not. She explained that the book was difficult, but in early teens, she was clear with concepts about time, money, and wealth. That had given her a huge headstart with a financial education that, to be honest, most children never receive – and it’s not something that’s taught at school.

Like many a New Zealander, she started working at a supermarket at fifteen. But she was not satisfied with what she was doing, as her point of view was that the 9-5 grind is a waste of time. She’s no the kind of person that wants to waste time and she believed could earn more by running a business. So at 16, she quit her job and started her first successful business: an online store!

Sarah said that like most successful businesses, this wasn’t an overnight success. Persistence paid off, and it changed her life. Now she can earn and enjoy her free time by travelling around the world. Well, maybe not during Level 4 restrictions Sarah, but, we’ll all be happy when this lockdown is over.

On her YouTube channel Wholesale Ted, you’ll find different case-studies on e-commerce stores that are successful as well as different applications and online tools you can use to automate your dropshipping business. There are also low-cost methods to start an e-commerce business, techniques for marketing with ads, and videos related to legal issues that you may encounter during the construction of your dropshipping business.

Most importantly, what I like about Sarah’s content and advice is that she isn’t trying to sell unrealistic dreams, she is very down to earth and provides very practical and realistic advice to give budding dropshipping business owners a real chance of success.

Wholesale Ted offers a complete and detailed course for people interested in running a successful dropshipping business for $67 per month with a 7-day refund policy. You can see the course content and process at her website:

Steve Tan

Steve Tan is a super entrepreneur in the field of e-commerce. Steve and his brother Evan Tan, help other entrepreneurs who want to start an online dropshipping e-commerce business or those facing problems they’re experiencing.

Steve Tan offers a course Ultimate eCom System, which is a detailed four week (90 videos) introduction into the world of dropshipping. There, he talks about the tools necessary for a dropshipping business, and all niches and products relevant to your enterprise.

The Super Tan Brothers have changed the lives of thousands of their students in a short period of time. They are pretty famous in the dropshipping ecosystem worldwide and you’ll find them appearing as a guest on many e-commerce related YouTube channels because of their achievements and experience.

What I really like about Steve’s approach, is that he offers small getaway retreats for top-performing businesses, and invests a lot of time in giving practical advice for his actual real life experience, on scaling up. If you’re accepted to one of these retreats, you’re probably already doing pretty well, but looking to turn that 7 figure business into an 8 or 9 figure one.

You can join their private group on Facebook at eCommerce Elites Mastermind

Steve Tan started his journey in e-commerce in 2007 with eBay auctions. In the next two years, he founded e-commerce stores and started earning $400,000 to $500,000 per month.

He was earning well at that time and meanwhile; he expanded. In 2010, he started a new startup in China that didn’t turn out as expected. The next year, he started another cosmetic startup but that didn’t work out too well.

In 2012, Kreyos started as a huge success, shifting one of the most successful crowdfunded watch products at the time, but in 2014, he had to close the company. Another consumer electronic startup also failed in 2015.

Everything changed in 2016, when he jumped back into e-commerce again.
He with the support of his brother Evan Tan is among the top entrepreneurs and influencers of the dropshipping arena. They can scale your online business into e-commerce.

Kevin David

Kevin David is another one of the big-name entrepreneurs and mentoring thousands of drop shippers for the past 3 years. You can find answers to many questions that seem confusing on his YouTube channel Kevin David. Kevin shares the step by step easiest ways to start Shopify-based dropshipping and marketing using Facebook ads. To learn more about the courses he offers, you can visit his website:


Kevin David is now an internationally renowned speaker on eCommerce, entrepreneurship, social media, and digital businesses. He quickly grew from a 9-5 accountant to creating multiple 8 figure businesses.

Fred Lam

Fred Lam is an entrepreneur and mentor that is teaching people how to run an online business. You can get great information regarding dropshipping businesses related to Shopify and Facebook ads. You can download his free e-book, to learn the tricks offered by him. The e-book contains the best, cheap and most reliable ways to earn passive income and with minimal investment – something we will all be happy about.

He started working as a dishwasher. But to find a better opportunity and a dream to start his own business, Fred began experimenting with online business. After going through many hurdles, today, Fred is the CEO of several multimillion-dollar businesses, including iPro Academy. Fred has coached thousands of students worldwide and continues sharing his knowledge in Starting From Zero.

Jessica Guzik – Oberlo

Jessica Guzik from Oberlo is an entrepreneur, e-commerce business owner and mentor. She strives to help entrepreneurs and launch brands. Her YouTube channel is very informative. At the current time, they’re also offering some free courses. So if you’re interested in dropshipping, you can visit her online and acquire some valuable knowledge.

The course they offered previously for $50 is at the time of publishing, now free by Oberlo. Go to their website: Oberlo 101 and enrol yourself. There are 24 lessons in this course. Even if you are a newbie, it’ll give you a complete insight into running a dropshipping business. After taking this course, you’ll know how to make a complete dropshipping store using Shopify, launch Facebook ads and learn how to scale your business.

Bill Stenzel

As an entrepreneur, his goal over the last 20 years was to start up a new business every year. He’s owned from brick & mortar shops to multiple online. He can help you establish and guide your businesses on Amazon, Shopify,, and other e-commerce websites. He has online courses available on his website:


Other Options to Find a Mentor Online

There are many diverse ways to find a mentor. If you’re fortunate enough, you will get a one to one interaction or experience. But if not, you may also find one in the following ways:

According to, for the health and safety of Meetup communities, they decided that all events be hosted online in the coming weeks. is a service in which you can meet with people of the same interest in-person. These days though, you can arrange online meetups with people worldwide and talk on shared interests to learn more about dropshipping.

Ten Thousand Coffees

Ten Thousand Coffees is the same as, but with a little twist. Here you have to make your profile according to your qualifications and interests, and they’ll suggest you mentors on that basis. You can ask them for an in-person meeting, although at the moment hat’s improbable right?

They are also offering virtual assistance during the COVID pandemic. So it is possibly the best way to find a mentor online to collaborate and learn.

You can also find mentors at LinkedIn.


Quora is another platform to find you answers, learn and possibly a way to find a mentor. You can also find yourself a mentor by reading deeper into some of the articles and responses.

Social Media, Forums and online communities

In social media platforms as well (like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp groups), you can find many people that are related to you. Likewise, in dropshipping forums and online communities, you can also find potential mentors.

You can Develop a Peer group.

You can also make yourself a group of like-minded peers. Everyone will have different ideas, but put your minds together and you can achieve something pretty special. So you can further speed along your progress and personal success.

Bottom Line

Mentorship is really very much an essential tool for dropshippers to condense a substantial amount of knowledge into a smaller amount of time. In doing so, you can learn from the successes and mistakes of others and move much faster. There will always be a person out there who can somehow motivate you and take you out from the dungeons of demotivated sludginess and anxieties that you’ll face, and give you some perspective that helps you get to the top of your game.