So, you’ve got your about-to-be-launched online store pretty much set up already. You have a great product, the site looks excellent, and your marketing strategy is pretty much all planned out. The only thing that you’d have to do now is to finalize the payment gateway. Since the exchange of money won’t be done face-to-face, this can get a bit tricky. Still this doesn’t have to be complicated as well.
Fortunately, Woothemes came up with a handy guide to help you decide on how you want customers to pay for your products. You can check out the comprehensive guide by clicking here.
Also, if you’d like professional advice and support on payment gateway integration in Australia, OPMC can help you with that. We recommend using Payment Express, our clients’ payment gateway. It’s reliable—you can take our word for it. In fact, we’re the developers behind the official WooCommerce plugin for Payment Express. To know more, you may check out OPMC’s Payment Express page or by contacting us.