An online store in 45 minutes with WooCommerce – Part I

Are you looking to sell online and think WooCommerce might be the perfect match for your business? Read on…

We’ve heard about WooCommerce, so wanted to find out what it was and how it worked.

The mission

Set up an online store with WooCommerce, cross fingers it works.

The outcome

An online store set up and working, that can actually sell something, in 45 minutes. While it wasn’t beautiful looking at that point, it was definitely good enough given the effort that went into it. Here’s what it looks like:

With some TLC this could be turned into a successful online store.

The details

We found the set up process very easy. If you already have WordPress set up, you can install Woocommerce via Plugins > Add new and search for it.

The people over at Woo obviously thought about what they were doing before they made an online store solution for WordPress, and this shows in the outcome. After activating the plugin, you come to a nice and easy to understand page that shows you all the settings you can have.

Simply go through and set everything up with the settings you want. There’s some technical options to choose in there, but you can gloss over them and still get the job done easily.


One thing we thought was great was how easy it is to make coupons.

It’s so easy to make discount coupons and they work so well. Coupons shouldn’t be rocket science, and WooCommerce treats them as an easy to use marketing tool. They are a pleasure at the payment page.


If you’d like to see how can help you create a store like this, please get in touch. Otherwise, watch this space for more information on WooCommerce and how it could help you sell online!